Sunday, September 18, 2016

An open letter to Angelina Jolie Voight Miller Thornton Pitt

An open letter to Angelina Jolie Voight Miller Thornton Pitt:

Hi Angelina.  You might not know me, but I’m Valerie, one of The Ex-Wives from the book The Ex-Wives’ Guides to Divorce. 

See I too have several last names thanks to marriage and ultimately divorce.  However all of my last names began with the same letter {Valerie Johnson Sanford Smith Shepherd} and yours did not.  So essentially I got to keep my monogrammed towels.  And you did not.  But you have an airplane and speak in front of UNICEF and raise 6 kids – so you might actually have the better end of that bargain when we get to Heaven.  Okay… if I get to Heaven.

My co-author Holiday and I really felt the need to write you, as fellow Ex-Wives’ and all.  Especially with you filing for divorce from the name that shall not be mentioned.  No, not Voldemort silly, we’ll just rhyme it for informational purposes for the rest of this letter.  Fad Sitt.

See, when you dated Fad Sitt for a decade and adopted / birthed / conjured up 6 beautiful little souls during your courtship we were rooting for you.  Family's come in all different shapes and sizes these days, and we're down with that.  As mothers ourselves we know what it’s like to take care of one or two children, so now factor in six and we just knew how bad you wanted to drink every night.  But it seems Fad Sitt was drinking all your alcohol.  Yikes.

So as you face the beginning stages of divorce here are our best pieces of advice 
that can be found in our book The Ex-Wives’ Guide to Divorce.   

We would love to send you a copy of our ultimate divorce organizer and planner personally, but we don’t know “your people”.  Shocker I know, especially since we just met Beyonce at iHeart radio in Houston on our media tour.   See our proof, I mean pic below.  Instead we’ll just give you the link here to our website and if you our your peeps email us we’ll be sure to pop one in the post to your new swank bachelorette / single mom of 6 pad in Malibu.

Traditionally some of our bestest advice contains nuggets like “Get your head out of the sand!”,  “Hiring an attorney is not an option if you have childrenssssss!!” {added 6 s’s for you on that one}, and “Develop a budget where you won’t have to depend on your soon-to-be Exes income!!!”.  But it appears you already have all of those handled.  And by handled, we mean bulldogging it by the horns, which is a cool new term we learned this week on our Houston, TX leg of our media tour.  Bulldogging is defined as:  a rodeo event in which a horse-mounted rider chases a steer, drops from the horse to the steer, then wrestles the steer to the ground by grabbing its horns and pulling it off-balance so that it falls to the ground. The event carries a high risk of injury to the cowboy.”  Or in your case Angie… to the cowgirl.

But fear not cowgirl mommy of 6 little calves!!!  See below some of our best takeaways from our book The Ex-Wives’ Guide to Divorce.


1.     Be Better, Not Bitter.  Yes, you read that right.  It is sooooo easy to go down the bitter HOV speedlane.  But don’t.  Please don’t.  If you don’t, we know all of America will break back out the “Team Angie” and "Team Jolie" t-shirts tucked away in their memory chests next to the smashed up Friends episode VCR tape.  We know you’re pissed about what happened on the plane.  We know you want to kick him where it counts because of his rumored marital vow breaking behaviors.  But don’t.  Please don’t.  Focus on being and creating a BETTER you {and world} instead of focusing on him.  Highlight and share what you’re doing to make lemonade out of lemons instead of chucking yellow citrus at him so he can suck it via the press.  Your future self will thank you for it.

2.     Surround yourself with people that will help you navigate the shark infested waters of divorce and get you to safety.  Avoid those who will poke holes in your lifeboat and try to drown you.  Now more than ever you will need your friends who have your back.  Or Assistants.  Or whatever fancy people have.  In our chapter “Choose Your Crew” we highlight the type of friends you will need to lean on:  Fun Friend, Safe House Friend, Straight Shooter Friend, Listener Friend, and last but not least an In The Weeds Friend.  All of these type of friends will help bring something to the double leafed table {you know with all the kids you have}.  Your Straight Shooter Friend “will not only let you know when you’re heading for a ride on the Crazy Train, but will slap the ticket out of your hand and drag you out of the station.”  Something tells us you will definitely need one of these friends.  And if you're taking applications we would like to apply.

3.     DON’T drag your children into your feelings of anger.  Keep those mama bear instincts intact and protect your kidssssss.  Trust us, we know there will be a time when you’re flying in a top hair dresser to get you all gussied up for some World Relief Fund banquet honoring you, and Fad Sitt will pick up the “6 Pack” a little over 3 hours late, speeding up to the security iron gate call box, on a freaking motorcycle instead of the 8 now 7 passenger van like he should be.  You’ll want to strangle him.  You’ll want to break out the ol’ vile of blood round your neck and add a little more to it.  All in front of the “6 Pack” Fad Sitt might or might not have already drank.  But don’t do it Girlfriend.  Just call Enterprise (they rent vans you know!),  and they’ll drop it off in an hour flat.  We’re sure the kids would be happy to just play Ultimate Frisbee {7 player game} on your sprawling front lawn until it shows up.  And you can high tail it out the minute your security squad frisks him and gives him a breathalyzer to get your glam on instead of making your children feel an ounce of your frustration.

4.     Divorce is a legal transaction, not an emotional transaction.  It is to be treated like a business, not like a fresh perfectly ripe for a decade of highlights Jerry Springer episode.  You wouldn’t show up to a board meeting with high ranking International delegates crying or screaming or dropping A-bomb worthy shockers of what is going on in your personal life with the sole intention of destroying everything and anything in your path.  Endless clips of he said she said is not allowed in the board room {or in people’s living rooms}.  Rather, you would walk in like the #girlboss that you are, sophisticated, composed, and focused on improving your life and the lives of others {aka the “6 Pack”} and show that not only do you and your people have their S#%T together, but you mean biz’ness.  Save the emotions for when you’re back at the Bachelorette / Single Mom of Six Malibu Barbie Pad.  Then you can lose it behind closed doors in the panic room or something, anything away from the kids.  Or you could come to Atlanta for a weekend and we promise to make sure you have the bestest ever GNO where you can vent about Fad Sitt, and we’ll make voodoo dolls of him, and create a girl power throughout divorce mix CD for you with a custom circle label, and we’ll all wake up with Taco Bell wrappers on our nightstands {okay that might just be us} because what happens in the ATL stays in the ATL Angie!

5.     Keep your expectations in check.  Yes you actually have the money to drag this out and make life h-e-double hockey sticks for Fad Sitt.  But although he might or might not have made some bad parenting choices, do you really deep down inside feel he is of clear and immanent danger to the kidsWe’re not saying just shrug and say, o well, let’s just hope he lays off the “booze, sex, rock and roll baby - yeah!!!” while with our children.  Rather we are saying set and enforce realistic boundaries, but think ten years from now will our kids benefit or bereave not having their father in their life while growing up.  {AKA massive counseling bills in the future x 6}

We really do wish you, and any woman facing something as difficult as a divorce the happily ever after most of us are eternally in search of.  And just remember…  This too shall pass.

xo, Love The Ex-Wives'

Full Circle...and back again.

"Could you please address these books to Sarah and Melissa? One of them is going through a divorce, and the other one is about to, she just doesn't know it yet..."

I sat at the table, preparing to sign these books, when it hit me like a train. I had goosebumps, my eyes flooded with tears, and a wave of gratitude washed over me. In that moment I realized our journey had come full circle...the words we had written had the potential to change someone's life. To encourage them, to inspire them, and to give them the strength they need to live each day, amidst divorce, heartbroken and filled with fear. The words written from our hearts had power.

Oprah may have called this an "ah-ha" moment...I have since named it a "Thank you, God" moment. Thank you, God, for giving me the opportunity to share my story, and most of all, use my experiences as a platform for encouraging other women.

Last week I got a call from a friend of a friend. I have only met this woman twice, so it was a surprise to get a call from her. After the small talk she revealed her real reason for contacting me. She had just been served with divorce papers from her husband of 19 years. She was heartbroken, terrified, and defeated. "I have tried everything, Holiday, and I just don't know what else to do...He wants nothing to do with me, he won't even talk to me, and he has had a girlfriend for 4 years. I don't want a divorce...I just can't imagine my life without him."

Tears were flowing. For both of us.

As I listened to her story, my heart sank. While I couldn't relate to all of the details of her situation, I knew her feelings were real. The fear in her voice, her unconditional love for her husband (even knowing he has a girlfriend...WHAT?!?!) She was a fighter. She didn't want to give up.

"Holiday, I just feel like I'm in the twilight zone... I'm reading your book and I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of a nightmare, like I will wake up and it will all be over. I just can't believe this is happening to me...what am I going to do?!"

I could relate. There were several times during the process of my divorce I felt the same exact way.
To make matters worse, every book I attempted to read to "help" me figure things out was depressing and nearly impossible to understand (hence why we wrote The Ex-Wives' Guide to Divorce).

During our conversation I felt convicted to share some truths with her. I also gave her some homework. She needed to seek professional counseling and hire an attorney. She needed to put her big girl panties on and get her emotions in check. She needed to surround herself with people who love her. She needed to reconnect with her faith, and allow God's grace to cover her.

Friends, we won't always have the answers or the solutions...but we will always have each other. As Ex-Wives' it is our responsibility to love each other, encourage each other, and remind each other there can be light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

Our experiences in this life are moments we collect over time. Regardless of the paths we choose these moments come full circle. While the pain of divorce may never go away, we can embrace the journey and use it for good...till death do we part.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Why Write A Divorce Planner? {With Your Exes Ex…}

Writing a book is wonderful – putting something out there that is thought provoking, thought releasing, thought anything is a dream come true for any writer at heart.  Now combine all of that and add in a dash of “much needed” and you have The Ex-Wives’ Guide to Divorce.

Exes to the same man, both Valerie Shepherd and Holiday Miller knew there was a hole in the market despite there being a huge need.

Valerie distinctly remembers the first time she googled “Divorce Planner Book”.  She was starting the proceedings of divorce and felt beyond lost.  And we all know hell hath no fury like a woman who doesn’t know what comes next…  Because she trusted her wedding planner to get her down the aisle, she thought she would again find a tool to clue her into everything she needed to prepare, keep her on task, fill her in on what to expect, and give tips on how to survive the emotional roller coaster lying ahead this time for divorce.

And you know what?  Hardly any results surfaced for an actual book.   
Almost nada, 

All of these advertisements popped up for professional Divorce Planners, divorce party planners {which of course she saved that link}, but no real results for an actual divorce planner book. 

So then she popped on over to Amazon thinking for sure she would find hundreds of divorce planners appearing page after page in eye popping colored book jacket photos on the screen in front of her.  But again, about a handful of actual divorce planners written by attorneys and psychologists in a legal and factual / depressing / I’m going to eat another pint of ice-cream tone.   

Not one shiny happy cute cover so I might actually want to read this planner 
by somebody who has been through it and survived divorce and is here to help you as well.   
Yes, we’re currently looking into getting a TM on that phrase. 

Although planning for divorce would not be as happy and shiny as a wedding planner, it would certainly help any woman get to a happier and shinier future for her about to be single self if she could just get organized. 

So then Valerie typed in the search bar on Amazon Wedding Planners, just out of curiosity.  And guess what…  Over 16,000 results populated!!!  Yes, divorce planner yielded about 70 of which maybe 4 or 5 were actual divorce planners / organizers and wedding planner produced over 16,000 books in print.  Something had to be off here.

Fast forward a few months to when Valerie met Holiday {her Exes soon-to-be Ex #2} and Holiday noticed Valerie had made her own binders just as she did to help navigate divorce.  This got the two Ex-Wives’ thinking.  Why was there nothing out there for women facing, contemplating, entering, or in the middle of divorce?  Where was this missing MUCH NEEDED tool?!? 

Flash forward a few months even further to a beach trip the two of us took with the kiddos {Valerie’s son and Holiday’s two girls}.  One fateful night during our quick getaway we started talking about how far we had both come thanks to the help of each other, and the planners we essentially made ourselves.  And eureka!!!  The question came quickly…   

Why don’t we write and create  
the book we wish we both had during our divorces 
to help women successfully navigate divorce?

Call it paying it forward.  Call it making lemonade out of lemons.   Call it whatever you want to call it but we both suddenly felt charged to help the millions of women out there that deserved not only a friend to hold their hand during this tough time, but guide them down the path to a successful divorce.  And if it saves women some time, money, or sanity while putting a smile on their face…  Well then we will consider it a huge success.

xo, V and H