Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bra Shopping & Divorce

I think it’s pretty fair to say bra shopping is one of those things most women dread…unless, of course, you’re built like Giselle and can waltz into Victoria’s Secret like you own the place. I have absolutely no idea what that’s like. 

My experiences usually involve an awkward encounter with a saleswoman that resembles my grandma, followed by a sweat (and tears) inducing battle in the dressing room. There’s nothing quite like fluorescent lighting and stubborn back fat to send a girl over the edge.

One of the hardest parts about bra shopping is finding the right size. I don’t care what they say. One size does not fit all

You absolutely HAVE to try them on. No bra (or divorce, for that matter), will be the same across the board.  We’re all different shapes and sizes, and our marriages are built the same way. What worked for one person may not be the right solution for you. Just like bra size, all divorce is not created equal.

Top 3 things to consider when finding the perfect fit: 

  1. Do your research. Whether you’re hiring an attorney or on the search for the best push up bra, do some homework. Hop on Google. Ask friends for referrals. Be an information sponge and soak it all in.
  2. Have a positive attitude. Don’t let bad lighting, back fat, or a threat from your ex throw you off. Keep your goal at the center of your mind, and only look forward.
  3. Don’t settle for anything less than what you really want (or deserve). Don’t give in to the granny bra when you really want va va vooooooom. Just like divorce negotiations…stand your ground and keep your cool.

While finding the perfect bra can be a challenge, divorce will totally rock your world. My advice to you is to learn from those of us who’ve been through it, stick to your guns, and above all, stay positive. You will survive, and you never know…that granny in the lingerie section of the department store just might have some words of wisdom for you. Crazier things have happened.


-Holiday :)