Friday, October 10, 2014

Dear Holiday...don't piss your pants.

“Write a letter to your future self.”

This college writing assignment threw me for a loop. As a senior I was facing some major decisions…Should I stay and get my Master’s Degree? Where should I live? Do I really want to be a teacher? Should I break up with my boyfriend?  You know, the important stuff.

I should have put this letter in my jewelry box…it’s the one place I keep things that I actually want to find again. Knowing me it’s probably living in a Rubbermaid bin in my mom’s attic, sandwiched between high school yearbooks and my sorority t-shirt collection. 

I can’t remember what I wrote, but it probably went something like this:

Dear Holiday,

Today I’m writing to you as a senior in college. You are about to start this incredible new journey called the REAL WORLD! In 10 years from now you will be an awesome teacher with a classroom full of kids who adore you and you will love your life. You’ll probably be happily married to {insert college boyfriend’s name here} because surely by now he will have his s@#$ together.  You might even be a mommy…wow, 10 years is a long time. Promise me you'll never wear "mom" jeans, no matter how comfortable they may be.

Always remember to dream big, believe in yourself, and follow your passions. Stay beautiful inside and out, and never forget how awesome college was.

Love always,
(*I have confidence it was a little more deep than this, but I really can’t remember)

Writing a letter to my future self was kinda cool, but now that I’m older (and obbbbviously wiser), I’ve been thinking about the opposite.

What if I could write a letter to myself from 10 years ago?

What would I say? What advice would I give myself?

If someone had given me a crystal ball 10 years ago to show me my future I would have shattered the damn thing…no questions asked.

In honor of my college English professor, I’m accepting this personal writing assignment. Here we go.

Dear Holiday,

I know right now you think life is a little stressful, but just hold on to your hat kiddo. You have no idea what’s in store for you. There will be many, many wonderful memories made and milestones reached, but there will also be some heartbreak. I wish I could protect you from this, but sometimes life gives you lemons. I know you will make lemonade.

Top 10 tips:
 1. Put your faith in GOD every single day. Know that He loves you and has a plan for your life, even though you may not understand it (or even like it for that matter).
2.  Trust your gut and don’t settle for anything less than you know you deserve.
3.  Listen to Mom and Dad. They really do know what they’re talking about.
4.  Love yourself NOW and get over the stupid muffin top. You’re spending too much time critiquing yourself…you are beautiful!
5.  Cherish each moment and live each day like it’s your only chance to make a difference.
6.  Forgive yourself for the mistakes you’re going to make…newsflash, you’re gonna screw up.
7.  Look for the positive in all circumstances…be SUNSHINE…not a Debbie downer complaining cloud.
8.  Put others first.
9.  Be the example you’d like your children to admire (yep, you’re totally having babies!)  

10.  Don’t sweat the small stuff. Yes, it’s a cliché, but what would a letter like this be without a tried and true cliché?

 After writing this it’s totally obvious. You really are going to turn into our mother when you grow up! But guess what? In 10 years from now you will appreciate and understand how wise she is and just how freaking AWESOME she is. Growing up to become more like her will be enlightening, and you’ll find yourself looking to her for more advice and guidance than you could ever imagine.

Finally, I want to remind you that life is a wild ride with lots of ups and downs. Enjoy the ups and hang on during the downs…and whatever you do, don’t piss your pants during the loop-de-loops.

See ya in 10 years…

p.s. I also wrote an unfiltered version, but I’m keeping that one to myself : )

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