You know you're over your ex husband when he gets engaged and you're genuinely happy for him. That's (actually, our...) ex husband proposed to his girlfriend last week, and I couldn't be happier. And no, I don't say that with any hesitation, bitterness or jealousy. When he asked me for some suggestions on how to propose, my simple request was that he do a better job with her than he did with me. (I couldn't make this up. I promise).
Mission accomplished.
Here's the deal. If I could choose a woman to be a second mother to my kids, I would choose her. This is the kind of girl I would want to be friends with, hang out with, and have a glass of wine with. In fact, I'm 99% positive she would fit in with Valerie and I like peas and carrots. This man has incredible taste in women, if I do say so myself : )
She's a gorgeous blonde with sweet southern charm, and best of all, my girls adore her. I don't blame them. The first time they told me about her their exact words were, "Mommy, she's so beautiful, she looks just like Cinderella!" I nearly ran off the road thanks to a mild heart attack, but I recovered nicely and no one was hurt.
I will never forget the first day we met in person (it was a random run-in ...she was sporting big Texas hair and a hot bikini while I was nothing short of a hot mess in cut off jean shorts (go ahead and make fun...I'm a true bred Florida girl). I stood like a deer in headlights in what used to be my garage, and in an effort to break the awkwardness I gave her a giant hug. She was shocked, but it broke the ice. I proceeded to ramble about how I had heard so many wonderful things about her, blah blah blah. But it was true. I wanted her to feel comfortable with me, and most of all I wanted her to know I was cool with it. All of it. Did I mention this meeting resulted in an emergency call to my personal trainer, requesting the "Operation Cinderella/Barbie" workout start ASAP?!?!
The bottom line? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
You might be struggling with the idea of your ex with someone else. Believe me, the whole Cinderella thing threw me for a loop. It's never easy, but if your relationship is truly over, the best thing you can do is embrace it. Harboring negative feelings will only cause YOU more pain. And if you have kids, it will make their divorce journey that much harder.Holiday's top 3 reasons you should entertain the idea of supporting your ex's new special friend:
*Disclaimer: if he/she is a convicted felon or trashy skank this may not apply to you1. It will make your kids happy.
2. Your ex will be much nicer to you.
3. The chances of you getting a birthday, Mother's day, or Christmas present from your kids will skyrocket if his new girlfriend/fiance/wife doesn't feel threatened by you.
As you're reading this you're probably thinking 1 of 2 things. 1) Holiday, you're full of crap or 2) Wow, I can't believe she's actually saying this. Out loud.
Believe it. I said it. I even gave her a giant hug the other day, welcoming her into our family.
xoxo, Holiday : )