My first holiday season post-split sucked big giant donkeys. I realize this isn’t a commonly used phrase, but in an effort to curb profanity, we’ll just say it sucked donkeys…
moved out on Halloween (talk about scary). Thanksgiving and Christmas were
creeping up on me, and I had no idea how I was gonna pull it together…
especially with two little ones running around the house, asking when we were
going back to Daddy’s (did I mention my
desire to give authentic TRUTH during my blog posts?).
I had brief glimmers of hope life would go on, even the simplest of things sent
me over the edge. Above all, I dreaded opening the boxes labeled Christmas. Ornaments, stockings, and
memories were a surefire recipe for the mother-load of nervous breakdowns.
So I did what any woman in
preventative nervous breakdown mode does…I went shopping. At Target. Shocking, I know.
My mom
did an incredible job of making the holidays a magical time (hello, she named
me HOLIDAY), and I felt I owed it to my kids to do the same.
I was going to save Christmas!
my Target extravaganza, I made the executive decision to ditch the traditional
red and green for hot pink, turquoise, purple and anything with glitter.
result? We’ve had a PINK Christmas for the last two years.
As I
look back on that time, I realize I was in survival mode. Reflecting on old
traditions was too painful, so I made new ones. The girls and I hung our
sparkly, glitter, fluorescent stockings with pride, and the tree was perfect.
For us.
say it takes about two years to recover from the shock and grief of a divorce.
I guess they’re right, because I’m finally ready to open the boxes. We’re going
back to red and green this year, and I couldn’t be happier {bonus…it gave me
the perfect excuse for a trip to Pottery Barn!}
Cheers to new traditions!
xoxo Holiday :)
Two years is a moment in a lifetime, glad to hear you are Ok with the red and green once again!